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Plastic or Glass, we customize them both...

Customized Bottled Water

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Our Process and Water Quality: The invigorating and delightfully smooth quality of our water is achieved through our vigorous purification process. Our water conforms to SANS241:2005 standards, and is regularly tested every month to ensure that these standards are properly maintained.

We source our water from public water systems in the respective locations where we bottle and first send it through a carbon block and meltdown blown filtration and carbon filter to remove, smells, chlorine, sediment, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), taste and odor from water and particles bigger than 5 microns. The water is then pumped through our Reverse Osmosis process, which effectively filters out dirt, inorganic minerals and chemicals in the water. From there, the water is sent through a potent UV and Ozonation Treatment process, killing the bacteria and resulting in deliciously healthy and refreshing water.

The bottling process is also paramount in ensuring quality hygiene standards. Here, the environment is kept entirely clean by an Ozone Purifier, which thoroughly destroys any bacteria in the plant during the filling and capping process. Thus, we maintain the highest standards for our water and the result is a superb and pure hydrating drinking experience

Click here for the lastest water quality tests.

ANALYSIS in mg/l

ElementValue (mg/l or ug/l)SANS241 Standard (Ideal)
Calcium (Na) 18.4 mg/l < 80
Magnesium(Mg) 4.37 mg/l < 30
Sodium(Na) 7.13 mg/l < 100
Phosphate(PO4) 0 mg/l < 5
Potassium(K) 3.91 mg/l < 25
Chloride(Cl) 10.64 mg/l < 100
Sulphate(S04) 12.49 mg/l < 200
Alkalinity(CaCo3) 63  mg/l < 80
Nitrate(N) 2.48 mg/l < 6
Bicarbonate(HCO3) 67.12 mg/l N/A
Flouride(F) 0.31 mg/l N/A
Ammonium(NH4) 0.52 mg/l N/A
pH 8.00   >6 and < 9
TDS <10 < 70
Iron(Fe) 0.0 ug/l < 100
Aluminium(Al) 0.019 ug/l N/A
Manganese(Mn) 0 ug/l < 50
Copper(Cu) 0 ug/l < 500
Zinc(Zn) 0 ug/l < 3
Boron(B) 0 ug/l < 2.4

What do carbon block filters remove?

Active charcoal carbon filters are most effective at removing chlorine, sediment, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), taste and odor from water. They are not effective at removing minerals, salts, and dissolved inorganic compounds.

What do meltdown filters remove?

Meltdown filters remove dirt, sand, rust, grit, and other suspended matter from water with particle sizes bigger than 1 micron.

What do GAC/KDF filters remove ?

KDF short for Kinetic Degradation Fluxion Media is an artificial alloy of copper and zinc that has revolutionised water treatment. The copper in KDF has a positive charge while zinc has a negative, this results in an electrochemical oxidation reduction reaction. This sounds very complex but the result is that KDF is effective at removing or reducing the following:




Hydrogen sulfide










Organic particles (thus removing smells and tastes)


Limits growth or bacteria, algae, and fungi

What do tannin filters remove ?

Removes colour from water caused by tannins.

What does reverse osmosis filtration remove?

Reverse Osmosis will remove common chemical contaminants (metal ions, aqueous salts), including sodium, chloride, copper, chromium, and lead; may reduce arsenic, fluoride, radium, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, nitrate, and phosphorous.

What does ozonation of water do ?

Adding ozone during the bottling process acts as a water disinfectant to inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms. Ozone is also effective in removing objectionable odours and flavours because it breaks down into oxygen which improves taste and other qualities.

What does a UV light remove from water?

UV light kills bacteria, viruses, and some cysts. It does not kill Giardia lamblia cysts or Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts, which must be removed by filtration or distillation.

water quality,purified water, SANS241,water testing,purification,UV treatment,ozonation,reverse osmosis,water filtration,public water,purest bottled water